viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Verb: Definition

Verbs and their properties

Verbs are words like walk, sing, dance, read, sleep and smile. Verbs are distinguished from other parts of speech by a number of properties.
A verb can be marked for tense:
I work (Present tense)/ I worked. (Past tense)
She writes. / She wrote.
A verb can usually be preceded by an auxiliary verb.
  • I have written.
  • She has come.
  • He is singing.
  • It is working.
  • You are wasting our time.
A verb is the head of a verb phrase.
  • I am watching news on TV. (Here the verb watching is the head of the phrase watching news on TV.)
  • She wrote letters.
A verb can form a gerund in -ing.
  • Trespassing is prohibited.
  • Reading is his pastime.
A verb can form a present participle and a past participle.
The present participle ends in -ing; the past participle usually ends in-ed or -en.
  • She has been working for hours.
  • It has been raining since morning.
  • You have drunk too much wine.
Verbs are present in our daily routines, there the importance of its recognition!

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Girls! Your blog is so complete!! I love the way you explain everything, topic like these are hard to teach, this is indeed a perfect tip for our students.
